The "Animator's Sketchclub" has been in existence since March 2015. Currently, its private Facebook group has over 8,000 members! At the very end of the month a winner is selected, together with honored runners up, and their work is published on the "Gallery" page of the Sketchclub website. With the clear popularity of the club, a "Golden Pencil Award" is now presented to the person considered as its most successful member throughout the previous year.
So, the 2019 "Golden Pencil" this year goes to....
For his consistent quality of work throughout the challenges of the past year. Below is Andrew's excellent animation for the December 2018 challenge - somewhat appropriate in view of the oncoming season for this year too!
Runners up:
Congratulations also go out to Anthony Corrigan and George Keita as our runners-up this year too!
About "The Animator's Sketchclub":
The club is designed for animators and student animators to have a place where they can learn how to improve their skills in a fun yet challenge based way. Indeed, many members consistently contributing in all that time have significantly done that. At the beginning of each month, founder and mentor Tony White will set out a drawing or drawn animation challenge that members of the club are able to take on in their spare time. With a deadline established for the end of the month, each member submits their entry via a private group Facebook page. Successful entries are announced and displayed on the "Gallery" page of the club's website...